Where memory and emotion meet


Publications List

Kark and Kensinger (2019) found that negative memory bias may be more likely when connections between amygdala and sensory regions are strong

Kark and Kensinger (2019) found that negative memory bias may be more likely when connections between amygdala and sensory regions are strong


Bowen, H. J., Marchesi, M. L., & Kensinger, E. A. (2020). Reward motivation influences response bias on a recognition memory task. Cognition, 203, 104337. link

Daley, R. T., Bowen, H. J., Fields, E. C., Parisi, K. R., Gutchess, A., & Kensinger, E. A. (2020). Neural mechanisms supporting emotional and self-referential information processing and encoding in older and younger adults. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience15(4), 405–421.

Daley RT, Bowen HJ, Fields EC, Gutchess A, & Kensinger EA (2020). Age differences in ventromedial prefrontal cortex functional connectivity during socioemotional content processing. Social Behavior and Personality, 48(7), 1-19.

Kark, S. M., Slotnick, S. D., & Kensinger, E. A. (2020). Forgotten but not gone: FMRI evidence of implicit memory for negative stimuli 24 hours after the initial study episode. Neuropsychologia, 136, 107277. link

Kensinger, E. A., & Ford, J. H. (2020). Retrieval of Emotional Events from Memory. Annual review of psychology, 71, 251–272. link

2020 (CONT)

Kim, S. Y., Kark, S. M., Daley, R. T., Alger, S. E., Rebouças, D., Kensinger, E. A., & Payne, J. D. (2020). Interactive effects of stress reactivity and rapid eye movement sleep theta activity on emotional memory formation. Hippocampus, 30(8), 829–841. link

Madan, C. R., Knight, A. G., Kensinger, E. A., & Mickley Steinmetz, K. R. (2020). Affect enhances object-background associations: evidence from behaviour and mathematical modelling. Cognition & emotion34(5), 960–969. preprint


Bowen HJ, Fields EC, & Kensinger EA. (2019). Prior emotional context modulates early event-related potentials to neutral retrieval cues. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 31(11), 1755-1767. link

Cooper RA, Kensinger EA, Ritchey M (2019). Memories fade: The relationship between memory vividness and remembered visual salience. Psychological Science, 30(5), 657–668. link

Ford JH, Kensinger EA (2019). The role of the amygdala in emotional experience during retrieval of personal memories. Memory, 27(10), 1362-1370. link

Ford, J. H., & Kensinger, E. A. (2019). Older adults recruit dorsomedial prefrontal cortex to decrease negativity during retrieval of emotionally complex real-world events. Neuropsychologia, 135, 107239. link

Associative memory between two positive stimuli is better than for pairs including neutral stimuli (Madan & Kensinger, 2019)

2019 (cont)

Ford, J. H., & Kensinger, E. A. (2019). Age-by-Emotion Interactions in Memory Retrieval Processes: An Event-Related Potential Study. The journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences, 74(7), 1101–1110. link

Kark, S., & Kensinger EA (2019). Post-encoding Amygdala-Visuosensory Coupling Is Associated with Negative Memory Bias in Healthy Young Adults. Journal of Neuroscience, 39(16), 3130-3143. link

Kark, S. M., & Kensinger, E. A. (2019). Physiological arousal and visuocortical connectivity predict subsequent vividness of negative memories. Neuroreport, 30(12), 800–804. link

Madan C, Scott S, & Kensinger EA (2019). Positive emotion enhances association-memory. Emotion, 19(4), 733-740 preprint